November 7,2011
911 Paverstone Drive Suite F
Raleigh, NC27615
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet School Community, I
would like to thank your organization for awarding our school with the Talent
for Education grant in the amount of$3850.00. Your generous contribution
will help to purchase laptops in order provide the opportunity for students to
access and experience global learning. Unfortunately, we have many
classrooms with no working computers, no computer lab, and a limited
amount of laptops available for classroom use. With your help, we will be able
to create a classroom set of laptops for classes to share.
Thank you again for supporting our students as we strive to create optimal
learning environments for our diverse population of learners.

Teresa James
Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet School
Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet School • 400 w. Club Boulevard
Durham, North Carolina 27704 • USA. (919) 560-3918